Helicopter Links


Company Name and Contact Information

Helicopter Links is a worldwide directory of helicopter information.

Contact Information

Bell 525 Relentless mock-up at Heli-Expo 2014.Helicopter Links is a free site to use by anyone worldwide.

We also sell advertising on our website, worldwide, to the following types of companies and organizations:

  • helicopter manufacturers (turbine, piston, hybrid-electric and electric helicopters)
  • Gyrocopter and gyroplane manufacturers
  • helicopter trade shows
  • helicopter air shows
  • helicopter magazines
  • helicopter non-profit organizations
  • helicopter museums

If you need our advertising rates, please see our Advertising and Advertising Rates web page. You may also email us for more information about our advertising rates. All advertising is paid-in-full and is nonrefundable.

Helicopter Links is located in San Diego, California, USA. Helicopter Links is not hiring.

Michael Hampson


Phone: +1 (858) 413-7074 (For advertising inquiries.)


Helicopter Links Homepage:

Helicopter Links Facebook Fan Page:

We post selected helicopter, electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL), hybrid-electric VTOL, scientific and human interest articles on Facebook.

Helicopter Links on Bluesky
We post selected helicopter, electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL), hybrid-electric VTOL, scientific and human interest articles on Bluesky.

Helicopter Links on Mastodon
We post selected helicopter, electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL), hybrid-electric VTOL, scientific and human interest articles on Mastodon.

Helicopter Links on Twitter:

We post selected helicopter, electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL), hybrid-electric VTOL, scientific and human interest articles on Twitter.


Advertising With Helicopter Links

Bell 505 Jet Ranger X displayed at Heli-Expo 2014.Advertising on Helicopter Links is affordable. Please feel free to send us an email for a price quote. Advertising lasts for one full year, is paid in full and is nonrefundable.

Directory Advertising (also known as Directional Advertising) is where the seller advertises directly to buyers who are actively looking to purchase a product or is researching to purchase a product. When you are performing a Google search for a plumber or electrician, you are a buyer searching for a seller. Google's Search Results List is a list of links directing the buyer to the seller.

Helicopter Links is a pre-made Google search engine, if you will. Instead of the internet user having to search for helicopter manufacturers using a search engine and scrolling through all the links through pages and pages of internet search results, the user will simply use Helicopter Links and see all the helicopter manufacturers on one web page. Helicopter Links makes it extremely easy for the user to find all helicopter manufacturers around the world.

Directory advertising is where the customer is doing all the work to find your company and wants to look at your ads. This is the big advantage of directory advertising, the customer has a buying need and is looking to purchase items or services from your company. Helicopter Links connects buyers to sellers—online. And Directory Advertising is generally less expensive than Creative Advertising.

Unrealistic expectations about any online advertising company can lead to non-buying decisions that can hurt your company and can also lead to a false analysis of how your advertising has performed. Remember, Helicopter Links is not competing with Google and could never compete with Google. Google is a massive multinational technology corporation that made over $339 billion USD revenue in 2024, has billions of customers, has over 182,000 employees, has vast resources and decades of industry dominance. Helicopter Links is in no way, shape or form, Google pay-per-click advertising. The value of ads on Helicopter Links website isn't tied to Google's operations; it's based on the helicopter industry's specific audience finding products and services on Helicopter Links website.

More information about advertising on Helicopter Links is here.

Additional Information About Helicopter Links

For Helicopter Trade Shows, Conventions, Events, Non-Profit Organizations and Helicopter Museums:

If you are a helicopter trade show or museum, you are welcome to send us an email and we will list your trade show or museum at no charge. If you want a banner ad for your trade show, organization, magazine or museum, there is an advertising fee.

About Sending Press Releases To Us:

We are not a helicopter magazine so we do not publish any press releases. If your company wants Helicopter Links to publish your press releases and articles on Helicopter Links Facebook, Mastodon and Twitter pages, there is an advertising fee for this.

About SPAM or SPAM-like emails:

If your Subject Line looks like SPAM, it will be deleted. Almost all emails which are not a request to place advertising with us are deleted.

We Do Not Accept Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Web Design Proposals Or Any Other Business Proposals.
If you are a business proposing how you can help us with SEO, web design or to promote Helicopter Links, your email will be deleted because it is SPAM email. We obviously don't need SEO help because if you found our site, it's because Helicopter Links IS Search Engine Optimized.

Helicopter Links Official Company Name

Bell 429 helicopter on display at Heli-Expo 2014.About Helicopter Links Company Name

Our business name is Helicopter Links.

Concerning How To Write Helicopter Links' Company Name

For print publications, we'd appreciate the first occurrence of our name to be listed as "Helicopter Links (www.helicopterlinks.com)" (without quotes), to help people find our website.

The next occurrence and all other occurrences of Helicopter Links would be written spelled out as: Helicopter Links. Please remember to add the "s" to the word "link", such as: Helicopter Links

We never want Helicopter Links to be referred as "HL" under any circumstance. The two letters "HL" has no meaning to anyone in the world except to us. The letters "HL" is only found in our logo and our logo is always seen with the words "Helicopter Links" next to it.

About the pictures on this web page:

Helicopter Links took these pictures at Heli-Expo 2014, yep, that long ago. These pictures may not be copied or reproduced in any form such as print or electronic or any other future form of transmission without our permission. These pictures are copyrighted 2014 by Helicopter Links.


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Turbine Helicopter Manufacturers | Piston/Kit Helicopter Manufacturers | Helicopter Air and Trade Shows | Helicopter Magazines

Helicopter Museums | Helicopter Associations and Organizations | Helicopter Glossary | Helicopter Quotes

— Member: Vertical Flight Society