makes Helicopter Links a unique online directory?
Helicopter Links is a unique online directory in several aspects. Items 1 though
7 are listed below.
1: This is a helicopter related directory
Helicopter Links caters to the helicopter
industry and lists some of the most important
industry-wide information needed by people in
the helicopter industry.
2: Helicopter Links is Search Engine Optimized
Helicopter Links has has been online since
2002 and Helicopter Links' web real estate is
firmly known by Google to be an accurate place
for helicopter information. Therefore, Helicopter
Links is highly optimized for search engines,
ensuring maximum visibility and accessibility
to those in the industry. Good Search Engine
Optimized also means that people will find our
website even though they don't know it exists.
3: We use flat web design making the website
easy to navigate
Helicopter Links uses flat web design. In a nutshell, our website is easy to
use! For example, when you are searching for, let's say, helicopter manufacturers,
you DO NOT have to drill down into our website
to find them. We categorize our companies alphabetically and then by continent
worldwide—on each web page. This means you can see the entire world of
each helicopter category on one web page. Easy! (On our helicopter trade show
web page, we categorize the trade shows by date.)
an example of why drilling down on a website
is bad web design. Some directory websites
would have you click on the name of a continent,
then click on a state (or provence) (drilling
down) and then drill down to another web page
such as a city, to find the information you
are looking for. Drilling down on a website
to find information is bad web design and does
not make a website easy to use for the internet
4: All links are hand-picked and hand-checked
Each company and organization has been hand-picked and is hand-checked each
year for accuracy. We also look for new companies and organizations each year.
We rarely receive any suggestions by email from new companies or organizations
or from companies that we've never found online. So we do about 99.99% of the
research to make our directory filled with helicopter specific and accurate
5: We use Google Translater's Website Translater
We recognize that English is not everyone's first language. Therefore, we've
had the Google Translate Website Translater widget on our website for many,
many years, making it extremely easy for people around the world to translate
our website into over 100 languages. The translater widget is in the upper-right
corner of our website making it easy to find.
6: No pop-up ads
There are no annoying pop-up ads, surveys, videos or music playing on our website.
Our website is not intrusive on your mobile device, tablet or desktop computer.
7: No one can add information remotely to our
directory except ourselves
There is no log-on for Helicopter Links. This means that no one can add any
companies, information or links to our website, making it impossible for our
directory to be flooded with unrelated industry information or bad links.
out why advertising on Helicopter Links is
an important part of your marketing plan
Please feel free to email us with any questions you may about advertising with
Helicopter Links. You are also welcome to review our Advertising
and Advertising Rates web page which highlights how advertising on Helicopter
Links serves as an important and integral component of a comprehensive marketing
communications plan. This web page also includes our advertising rates.